BerEditor, CertMan and CryptokiMan support issuing short-term 30-day licenses online. All versions that support online short-term license issuance are supported only in Version 1.8.0 or higher.

Additionally, licenses issued in 1.8.0 are not compatible with previous versions. If you received a license in a previous version, the license does not apply in 1.8.0. You must obtain a new one.

Basically, the license standard is that one issuing key can be used on one PC and one program. It is structured so that the same issuing key cannot be used on other PCs or programs.

To obtain an online license, there are three steps: email registration, confirmation of the issuance key in the email, and application of the issuance key.

  1. Register your email address License issuance request Here, select your email address and the program you want to use to make a request. If the request is successful, a license issuance key will be sent to the registered email address.

  2. Check email issuance key Check the license issuance key in the registered email address. It might go to spam, so if you don’t get it, check your spam box.

  3. Apply issuing key program Enter your email and key information in the program license information and run Import. This will allow you to use the licensed features for 30 days. After the period has passed, you can request again.

finish In the meantime, there were difficulties processing the license… It’s been sorted out a bit. And by implementing the online license issuance function, there is no longer a need to manually send by email, making it more automated.