When I work on PKI, I encounter problems with cryptography and mathematical knowledge. Cryptology is a field of mathematics, so it is actually a difficult field for developers with backgrounds in electronic computing. As a result, it seems that the development of cryptography itself is mainly done by mathematicians.

In fact, when developing PKI-related development, it is necessary to use cryptographic algorithms. It is common to use a well-crafted cryptographic source rather than creating your own cryptography functions.

As a result, mathematical understanding is only a concept It develops because it memorizes the characteristics of the encryption algorithms.

If the mathematical operations don’t work, I have no mathematical understanding. Causes and bugs become problems that are too difficult to fix. So, to solve the problem, we use a proven library Determine the error of wrong operation through comparison with the verified library

So a verified library is important. In my case, I use OpenSSL as a verification function, but the function of simple encryption itself is not enough. OpenSSL considers that encryption-related sources have been verified.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that OpenSSL itself isn’t without problems at all ^^;

Because of my lack of mathematical understanding, While verifying using OpenSSL, I made various tools.